When and how will I get paid?

Describes when payments are made for linguists

When will I get paid?

We make payments at the end of the month following the date of the completion of your work. 

For example, if you completed a call or a translation on Sep 4, we'll render payment  at the end of October.

How will I get paid?

We use Payoneer, a global payout provider trusted by Airbnb and other top technology companies.

Unlike PayPal, you do not have to establish an account and periodically withdraw money from it. Payoneer will link directly to your bank account or supply you with a debit card.

Caveats for newly registered linguists:

Please use a link that is provided to you during the course of registration to enroll on Payoneer. Do NOT go to their homepage and register. This will cause you to be "invisible" to us and will require intervention by Payoneer to enroll you into our list of payees, hence a delay of payment.

After you register on Payoneer, monitor your emails and see if Payoneer requests additional materials to be uploaded in order to activate your account. If your account is inactive, our payment to your Payoneer account will be declined.