Linguist Update: Enhanced Community Features
Jun 24, 2019

Greg Eiselt
As a language service provider dedicated to helping investment and consulting firms conduct better due diligence across the language barrier, we're constantly trying to improve our community's understanding of this mercurial industry, whether it's through blog posts, webinars, or other guides.
In the coming weeks, we're going to be rolling out our biggest educational initiative for our interpretation community yet: a portal designed specifically to help develop the industry understanding and expertise needed to continually improve the already stellar language service they provide our clients.
Before we move on, full disclosure that access to these awesome features will require a quick-and-easy application update. We've included more details at the bottom of this post for your reference.
Without further adieu, here are a few of the upcoming highlights:
Linguist Community Portal
Note: Screenshot contains alpha version content and may be subject to change.
In the past, our linguist portal was only a space to view job invites and payment records.
With this new portal, linguists will become a true member of a digital Cadence community, with the opportunity to:
Engage with fellow professional linguists;
Engage with the Cadence team in a non-fulfillment environment for shared learning;
Access exclusive research and prep materials;
Access modular training courses to level up finance, investment, and industry-specific knowledge;
Contact a dedicated support line for faster fulfillment of payment, login, and other clerical issues.
Linguist-generated Industry Guides
An essential piece of this revised linguist portal is the opportunity for linguists to share their knowledge through the creation of industry guides. Any professional linguist can agree that you can never have enough pre-call preparation materials, so we want to ensure that our linguists have a platform to proactively share their experience and skills.
Linguists with demonstrated skills and experience in a specific industry within a specific region will get paid for the guides they contribute to the community.
Professional Development Courses
Beyond industry guides, we'll also be sharing Cadence community-exclusive customized course modules built on the Salesforce platform to help you learn about the clients you serve. Gain a deeper understanding of effective interpretation methods as well as industry topics like institutional investment, expert networks, industry compliance, and more.
As part of this unveiling, we're also instituting a new and substantially more structured multi-step linguist vetting process. As part of this migration to a new community platform, we will require that all of our linguists, including those already on the Cadence platform, undergo this new evaluation process.
Thankfully, the process is very straightforward and shouldn't take more than 1 hour of your time in total. The steps are as follows:
Take a recorded interview on business and investment fundamentals that you can record and submit at any time (~15 minutes);
Schedule and participate in a live 1:1 interview over the Zoom meeting platform with a Cadence team member (~30 minutes).
Once you've passed each of these evaluations, you'll be granted your login details for this new-and-improved online community.
Interested in getting the link to your business and investment fundamentals interview? Submit your application via the Cadence linguist application page today!